Economic Census 2016 (SE2016) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bolaang Mongondow Regency

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Economic Census 2016 (SE2016)

Economic Census 2016 (SE2016)

January 16, 2016 | BPS Activities

Why must economic census be done?

Every decision should be taken base on a valid and accurate information. Se2016 is done to get a whole information about nation economic,  as a foundation in arrange policy and regional and national economic planning.

Data collecting in all economic sectors (exclude agriculture) will be able to produce complete description about level and structure of non-agriculture economic, with basic information and its characteristic. In addition will be found business competitiveness in Indonesia, and serta provision of business information needs.

How is the method data collection of SE2016?

  1. Listing method for venture /company:
  2. Data collecting is done in all area of Indonesia for all economic activity

  3. Data collection of characteristic of micro venture
  4. Data collection is done simplify according to the frame as the result of listing SE2016.

  5. Data collection of characteristic of middle and macro venture
  6. Data collection is done by census to all venture/company for middle and macro economic activity

SE2016 coverage

All economic activity no agriculture: 
  • In a permanent area (shopping center, traditional and modern market, office, etc)
  • In non permanent area (sidewalk, temporary traditional market, etc)
  • Venture around
  • In a house (stall)
Business player: 
  • Government (school, hospital)
  • Nonprofit institution (worship place, social organization)
  • Corporation (company, restaurant, supermarket, hotel, etc)
  • Household (online, nonformal sector)

What sector will be recorded in Se2016?

  • Mining and excavation
  • Processing industry
  • Electric procuring, gas, steam/hot water and cold air
  • Water procuring, processign and recycle garbage, waste garbage disposal and cleaning of waste an garbage
  • Construction
  • Wholesale and retail trade, motorcycle and car reparation and maintenance 
  • Transportation and warehouse
  • Accomodation and foodprocuring
  • Information and communication
  • Finance and insurance service
  • Real estate
  • profesional, scientific, and technic service
  • Rental, labour, travel agent, and supporting venture service
  • Education service
  • Health and social activity service
  • Culture, entertainment, and recreation
  • Other service activity
  • Personal service for household
  • International organization activity

What can be taken from SE2016?
  • Economic potential mapping (level)by region, kind and player business
  • Benchmarking Gross Domestic Product / Gross Regional Domestic Product, labour, and etc
  • Availability of sampling frame for many economic survey (Price survey, production survey, distribution survey, service survey, special / adhoc survey, etc)
  • Forming data basis and benchmark Updating Integrated Business Register (IBR)
  • Venture characteristic by venture scale
  • Venture characteristic (unique): franchise, e-commerce/online business, multilevel marketing, etc)
  • Mapping of business competitiveness bu region
  • Review of business prospect and investment planning in Indonesia

The meaning of SE2016's logo

  1. Basic Shapes Hexagon, symbolizes the Economic Census conducted every 10 years in the year to the end of the digit 6
  2. Writing Sensus Ekonomi shortened SE, show name of census
  3. Writing 2016, show the year of census
  4. Colour Oranye, means a huge economy activity. An enthuisasm to welcome big celebration ten years in economy sector and expected to be felt by the entire of Indonesian
  5. Colour yellow, to draw the attention of everyone to see and remembered easily
  6. Colour black, symbolize a strength and determining to produce a various data in economy sector, as the result of arrengement with the update methodology and pay attention various input so it become an economy statisctic of Indonesia for planning and evaluation of government policy, businessman, and community
  7. Colour red, show a sporit to produce an accurate and reliable data by implementation of SE2016
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